
Central Washington University

Why choose Central Washington University

For hands-on experience that makes learning energizing and significant. Understudies come to Central Washington University for little classes educated by educators. There are no 800-understudy addresses here. Our normal class size is only 25. 

You'll get an opportunity to do what you're realizing. CWU is as dedicated to discovering that happens outside the classroom as what happens inside. Our understudies get genuine involvement in the fields they examine - music, building, aeronautics, topography, science, material science, theater, and the sky is the limit from there. CWU understudies lead, show, and distribute research with personnel accomplices. Whatever you're keen on, odds are you'll give it something to do in ways normally just open to graduate understudies at different colleges. 

The outcome is a certifiable comprehension of how to utilize what you know. Bosses let us know CWU understudies have a useful edge over graduates who just recognize what's in books. Our hands-on way to deal with instruction makes learning energizing and applicable. You're going to love it here. 

Central Washington University


The mission of Central Washington University is to plan understudies for edified, capable, and beneficial lives; to deliver examination, grant, and innovative expression in people in general intrigue; and to serve as an asset to the locale and the state through compelling stewardship of college assets. 

Qualified personnel and staff make a group that empowers and backings the enthusiastic, individual, and expert development of understudies from an assortment of foundations. The college works with junior colleges to set up focuses all through the state and utilizes innovation to develop the span of its instructive projects. 

The college group values educating as the vehicle to move scholarly profundity and broadness, to support long lasting learning, and to upgrade the chances of its understudies. The workforce create and reinforce single man's and graduate degree programs in expressions of the human experience, sciences, and humanities; in educator instruction; in business; in the social administrations; and in innovative specializations. A solid human sciences establishment; connected accentuations; open doors for undergrad research, innovative expression, and worldwide study; and close working connections amongst understudies and workforce are signs of the undergrad experience. Graduate projects create organizations amongst workforce and understudies to stretch out grant to imperative ranges of examination and practice. 

Core Values 

Focal Washington University exists to propel society through the crucial exercises of educating, revelation, and administration. While nobody of these center components is important in seclusion from the others, CWU thinks that its important to organize its endeavors in connection to its main goal, vision, qualities, objectives, and assets. To boost the estimation of each of the components of its main goal, CWU underscores the coordination of grant, educating, and open administration. 

As an open thorough college, CWU endeavors to make a connecting with learning environment and along these lines puts its most noteworthy need on instructing, learning, and understudy achievement. The staff is contained researcher instructors working in light of a legitimate concern for their understudies, their controls, and the district. CWU empowers individualized projects of understudy achievement and advances undergrad and graduate understudy staff organizations that are effectively occupied with revelation, innovative expression, and drew in learning. 

CWU should likewise endeavor to serve its district by tending to squeezing financial and social issues. As a thorough college, CWU must utilize its scholarly limit to add to disciplinary written works, as well as to help territory business, social, and government pioneers in reinforcing and differentiating the region's financial base, to make a reasonable regular habitat, and to address basic social issues. 

CWU is likewise a spot where individuals assemble to live and to work. It should in this manner be a spot that empowers individuals to develop and to succeed. With regards to the scholastic estimations of shared administration and contemplated exchange, the college must be open, straightforward, and enabling. 

It takes after, then, that CWU is focused on the accompanying shared qualities: 

Understudy achievement: CWU trusts that understudy achievement is best accomplished by giving strong learning and living situations that support scholarly request, investigation, and application. CWU trusts that learning is best accomplished in little classroom or gathering settings with plentiful open doors for individualized guideline, coaching, prompting, and programming. 

Access: CWU has faith in giving instructive chances to whatever number qualified understudies as could reasonably be expected. CWU trusts that limitations of spot, time, and funds can be overcome through the viable utilization of organization with junior colleges and by successful and effective utilization of learning, correspondence, and social innovations. 

Shared administration: CWU trusts that mutual administration is best when data frameworks and basic leadership procedures are both strong and straightforward. CWU trusts that correspondence channels ought to be open and two-way and that workforce, staff, and understudies ought to be enabled to take part in the administration frameworks. 

Offices: CWU trusts that cutting edge, safe, and appealing offices improve the working and learning situations of workforce, staff, and understudies. CWU likewise trusts that best in class innovations give influence to the endeavors of personnel, staff, and understudies.